Super Performance Centre is happy to announce the launch of our brand new updated website! We have worked hard to create a new advanced site that showcases what we are all about and easier access for parents and site visitors to use, but also access/login on our different programs.
Check out what’s new.
We have included.
- Advance, modern and brand new design with full screen website capability and beautiful presentation slider.
- Mobile optimization to view the site and make inquiries anywhere, any time from your smartphone, Android,Iphone, tablet.
- Blog where we will post regular updates news and announcements.
- Class Schedules page with Iclasspro integrated for schedule classes and parents login area.
- Contact page with direct form through our office to assist with any questions you may have.
- Competitive page with new downloadable link brochures to make easier.
- Programs page with all the information regarding what we offer at SPC with new downloadable link brochures to make easier.
- 100% genuine feedback’s member area on home page.
- Blog Content (as what you are reading here) with, photos, videos, social network integrations and much more…
- Advance Search bar (on the top right) for any specific research you may want during your visit on our website.
- Future options coming soon such as : SPC Online Shop selling our SPC product, t-shirts, reward for our champion; gallery;videos and much more...